Election Results

Robert Montee (Winner)
As an active member of the hobby since 2011, I have volunteered with IRCHA, as an IRCHA Ambassador and Jamboree volunteer for the last four years. Additionally, I have helped run larger club funflies and officially sanctioned helicopter contests. In these roles, I have enjoyed listening to hobbyists as they have shared their frustrations, feedback, and fond memories at shows, funflies, and the Jamboree. I have a proven track record of listening to all viewpoints and working with others to enact positive change. You can hear this in the TellARotor RC podcast that I started with friends, see this at the field in helping others, and my participation in local clubs. In the future, I look forward to supporting IRCHA and increasing its support of the hobby, clubs at funflies, shows, and hobbyists. As your Member-At-Large, I would like to represent you through community outreach to ensure IRCHA is a strong advocate for the hobby. With your vote, I look forward to serving IRCHA and the heli community.
Semper Fidelis
Robert Montee

Dan Brickman
Since the first year I was involved with IRCHA, my hope/dream has always been to play a bigger role in the IRCHA organization and the Jamboree. The opportunity of being the IRCHA Volunteer Coordinator for the last four years has been a blessing and joy. During this time, I have met an enormous amount of model enthusiasts by organizing and scheduling volunteers.
Aside from the IRCHA Volunteer Coordinator work, I have traveled to around 20 fun-flys hundreds of miles away to support those that have supported IRCHA, annually.
I compete in the NATS, annually, since 2015. Flying Helicopters is my passion and I enjoy sharing what I know with others.
If elected as an IRCHA board member, I believe I could help other model enthusiasts, while promoting the organization. As a board member, my personal passion of flying helicopters would be beyond fulfilled. I believe IRCHA, as an organization, will benefit from my continued appearance in the community via fun-flys, NATS, and Jamboree, along with helping in all aspects of the IRCHA organization.
If elected to the board, I will strive to ensure that IRCHA is the gold standard for all of the RC community.
Jeff Young
I purchased my first helicopter in 1991 and learned to hover on my own. It was a Shuttle ZXX with an Enya 35. I joined our local helicopter club in 1993 and currently serve as president of the St. Louis Whirlybirds. My first IRCHA was 1999 when the Raptor 30 was introduced in Hebron Ohio. To the best of my knowledge, I have not missed a single IRCHA since 1999. The last 3 years, I have been helping with the setup of IRCHA and I have to admit, the best times I have ever had at the event. I am open minded and will listen to all sides but will stand up for what I believe to be the best course of action. I will work hard to achieve the goals and tasks place before me.
Thank you for your time and consideration.